The Circle of friends is a non profit website that we redesigned, A team of 3 worked on this projects. Our goal is to provide a usable and well-designed website for Circle of Friends. This organization seeks to meet the needs of young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) by providing socialization, a living wage, and affordable housing.
We want to redesign this website, to enhance user engagement with the website, across all stakeholders including Donors, Volunteers, and all beneficiaries.
Project Overview
Our goal for this project is to provide a usable and well-designed website for Circle of Friends. This organization seeks to meet the needs of young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) by providing socialization, a living wage, and affordable housing.
We want to redesign this website, to enhance user engagement with the website, across all stakeholders including Donors, Volunteers, and all beneficiaries.
I was well engaged in all the project aspect and computation of deliverables. My roles includes,
Creating Design proposals
Building proto personas
Design and analyse the User interview
Competitive analysis
Figma prototyping.
Design testing and Iterations
Paper and Pencil
Google Drive
Excel/Google sheets
This project was completed and delivered, in 3 weeks by 3 team members, some of the practices we used, was the agaile/scrum project management to achieve faster and quality deliverable.
Challenges/Problems Statement
For this Project we came up with a problem statement, A young adult with Intellectual and Learning disabilities (IDD) currently in the job market and needs an accessible website/experience to find the perfect job for them.
How might we improve the website experience so that a person with IDD may find community/work and others may be able to support the mission by visiting the coffee shop, buying merchandise.
We arrived at this Problems, after we have probe carefully some of the research data we gathered, after working with different user and fulfilling the google document requirement for our data extractions.
We anotate the original website so that we can establish our cards and the user flow and parthan.
The need to redesign also arrise as a result of plugins like Calenders needed
Merchandise and Other product need to have a page on this website
Allow the website accomodate all the 3 proto persona.
We set the following goals in mind, allowing for a clear expectations of our possible achievement at the end of this project
Offer updated coffee Menu options and shop information to customers
Allow current and future volunteers to find information and keep track of volunteering times and openings
Provide easy access for donnors to access the circle of friends website, especially via, mobile, tablet and website. In a way that impress them to respond to the active and uocoming project.
Provide easy access to information and easy applications about opportunities for people with IDD at CoF, specifically about housing, job opportunities and mentorship.
Design an interactive calender for scheduling of meetings
Allow space for sales of merchandise as a form of funraiser
We carried out several researches to help us understand the need of this project, and to verify if these needs aligns with our set goals for this projects. We were able to perform the following researches.
User research and engagement: using google forms and direct interview
Competitive analysis comparing both Direct competitors and indirect competitors
Heuristic Evaluation: Getting design feedbacks from the team.
The project Circle of friends have technically 3 proto-persona,
Job seeker: A person living with IDD or their guardian
A Volunteer : A person volunteering to ork for a non-profit to help the organization achieve their goals
A Donor : A person that is willing to offer financial donation to the organization
Our goal is to merge all this role and help unifie the experience accross the platform
Findings Implementation
From our analysis and researches we were able to isolate our finding and figure out how to implement the findings, the following are keyfindings
The design and the Navigation cards
The access to the menu and the merchandise pages
Adding an interactive calender, footer and a simple minimal design
We created 2 different Sketches, which include our header page and our footer page, we decided to pick the header from one sketch and the footer from the other,
we later proceed to designing a low fidelify wire frames, which progressed to the mid and Hifi prototyping.
Interface Design
An Highlight of our Designs include the display to the left of this section which include the new planned merchandise page, we call merchendize with purpose.
Interface Design Overview.
Primary Navigation is reduced from 7 cards to 4 important cards.
We created a merchendize page where people can buy good online to raise money .
Easy access to volunteering and donating from the website.
Simple design and minimal component
Interface Design
My Interface Design
Interface Design Overview.
Home page includes a slide of the event
Donate and Volunteer quick access button.
Calender with interactive dates for better meeting planning.
Simple footer navigation and social media buttons
Research Validation, Testing, and Feedback
We coducted about 12 user testing for this project design, and we recorded our feed backs and perfomed some Iterations which we also tested. bellow is our key finding from test
After completing our testing we birthed our final design. as show bellow
During the Circle of Friends website redesign we tried to really address the needs of the users, simplifying the complicated functions of finding information for careers and having usable pages.
We validated the user-centered design approach in our work on this project and hope to continue creating and designing for non-profits in the future.