My Projects

My projects comprises of solo Projects, and Team work, some of them are designed from scratch, while others are redesign of websites, and or mobile apps. I have carefully selected my projects here, to highlight my development and my progress as well as my state of mind when it comes to my design process and exploring my creativity. Find bellow few of the case study that I have worked on and had the permition to share.


Redesigning Circle of Friends website, a Non-Profit that is dedicated to helping people with IDD reach the same opportunities as any adult in the job market.

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U.S Department of Labor

Department of labor website is for Workers, Government labor agencies, Employers and Employees. This Project is a responsive Redesigning of the U.S Department of labor website.

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This is a design from beginning to end of a sporting phone application. Users can watch, follow, and interact with all of their favorite teams, athletes, and fans to stay up to date on the latest sports news and stay entertained with original content.

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